What Are Trigger Points and How Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Can Bring Relief
Troublesome Trigger Points
One of the most common complaints our chiropractors and physical therapists treat daily are those pesky muscular “knots” we refer to as trigger points. Even though the prevalence of trigger points is already quite vast, more and more people are seeking treatment for relief of pain from trigger points. This is especially true after the rise in popularity of working from home at workstations with less-than-ideal ergonomic setups, or even worse, spending their whole work day using a laptop from their couch or bed.
What are trigger points?
Trigger points are overly sensitive, small, tender areas in the muscles that can cause pain and discomfort to the surrounding area when they are pressed or released. They are usually found in the neck, shoulders, back, and other areas of the body. Trigger points can cause referred pain, meaning the pain will be felt in another area of the body that is not directly affected. For example, a trigger point in your neck may cause pain in your shoulder or arm. They can also feel numb or tingling, or refer to numbness/tingling elsewhere in the body.
Why do trigger points form?
Trigger points develop as a result of muscle tension, fatigue, or trauma. They can also be caused by poor posture or repetitious motions. Muscle tension can be caused by stress, fatigue, an accident, or overuse of a muscle. Fatigue can occur when the muscle is used repeatedly without sufficient rest or recovery. Trauma can cause trigger points when muscles are strained or injured. Poor posture can lead to muscle imbalances, which can create trigger points. Repetitive motions, such as typing or playing an instrument, can lead to fatigue and overuse of certain muscles, which can lead to trigger points.
How can I get relief from trigger point pain?
Home care of trigger points may involve applying heat, stretching, using a foam roller or TheraCane, and limiting repetitive tasks or postural stressors that may contribute to their formation. When home care tasks alone are not enough to provide relief, it may be time to come in for an evaluation by one of Living Well VT’s providers!
How do Chiropractors and Physical Therapists fix trigger points?
Both chiropractic care and physical therapy can be effective in relieving trigger points. Chiropractic care can help to restore proper biomechanics, reducing inflammation and restoring normal range of motion. Physical therapy can help to strengthen and stretch the muscles, reducing tension and promoting muscle health. For some patients, either chiropractic or physical therapy alone can provide enough lasting relief. More stubborn cases may benefit from the incorporation of both specialties into their care plan. Our providers at LW treat trigger points every day, so no need to wait and suffer any longer! Give us a call to schedule, or fill out our new patient intake here and we’ll get in touch ASAP to get you taken care of.
Dr. Lauren Angello
Dr. Lauren Angello earned her Doctorate of Chiropractic and a Master of Science in Functional Nutrition from Parker University in Dallas, TX, graduating within the top ten of her class. She pursued her undergraduate studies in Cellular & Molecular Biology through the Honors College Program at Coastal Carolina University in Conway, SC. Dr. Lauren is passionate about integrating chiropractic care with other healthcare disciplines to help her patients attain their health objectives.
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